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Alyx cm11 nude [ Compatible SFM ]

Tue, 04 Feb 2014 21:34:57


[center:2c2nooqb] [mp3:2c2nooqb], 0[/mp3:2c2nooqb][/center:2c2nooqb] Finally here she is ! :) Well, some flex dont work but a lot work fine. She have a lot of bodygroup. As you see on the gifs, some are not well clipped when you move it, but nothing that can not be camouflaged with a little editing. See the original pic from the first above for example here. Compatible SFM
"flash89" said ...
Credit: Nahka for the Sandra's body. Fakefactory for the head. ***Download*** ***Mirror link*** (thx Rastifan) Your humble servant :hat:
Tue, 04 Feb 2014 21:50:53


Tue, 04 Feb 2014 22:26:55


Finally a nude model that isn't from some game. I have been wanting this for a long time. Combining the quality face of this model with Sandra's body was genius. As you said, some face flexes are not working, but she still has better ones than most models as there are so many. Install this people ... =148090220 Is a must for vastly improved face flexes in Gmod. Open jaw did not work, but I played around with the sliders and manage to make her possible for blowjob poses. I hope at least since no one has the sense to make normal sized cocks on DE :sifl: All in all a wonderful model and I could make the most beautiful smiles with her. Better smiles than the original thanks to Enhanced Faceposer. A big plus that she has several of Sandra's body groups to. She is so versatile. Thanks a lot Ash. I got really exited about this model. I worship the ground you walk on :respect:
Tue, 04 Feb 2014 22:59:50


Thank you Rasti and Ariel, however, it is sad that some still trying to undermine my work by displaced remarks and sarcasm in the mini-chat or elsewhere. :mast:
"Rastifan" said ...
Open jaw did not work, but I...
Use the pokeup/pokedown to open her mouth/jaw ;)
Tue, 04 Feb 2014 23:01:50


"Evil-Ash" said ...
Use the pokeup/pokedown to open her mouth/jaw ;)
I did with some other sliders. Worked well :)
Tue, 04 Feb 2014 23:02:49


Tremendous quality as always, eagerly awaiting your DE Clubhouse basement extension!
Tue, 04 Feb 2014 23:10:58


HELL YES!!!!!! this looks awesome reminds me of sandra SO downlading this!
Wed, 05 Feb 2014 04:47:58


I remember seeing this in the WIP thread back in the old DE. Hope we see more CM models in the future. Like always true Quality work, thanks Ash :D
Wed, 05 Feb 2014 09:44:02


Thank you Evil-Ash! Looks awesome!
Wed, 05 Feb 2014 09:55:13


Aaaand added to Dean's harem. :) He'll be sure to give her a proper welcome soon. :mrgreen:
Wed, 05 Feb 2014 15:29:14


Yeah I remember this beauty in the polls. Number 7, IIRC. Thank you so much, Ash!
Wed, 05 Feb 2014 15:38:22


Really thank You for this one. I'm glad You made yourself to finish her up. It's a masterpiece work. You deserve a big beer! 8-)
Wed, 05 Feb 2014 17:52:35


Evil-Ash, you're awesome keep up the excellent work man :great:
Thu, 06 Feb 2014 05:46:05


Thx all :hat:
Sat, 08 Feb 2014 23:17:26


Alternative Zippy download for those who cannot use MEGA
Sun, 09 Feb 2014 11:03:09


Thx Rasti, first post updated. And apparently she works also on sfm.
"flash89" said ...
Sun, 09 Feb 2014 13:14:17


I saw this model the first time now and have to say: :rrrr: REALLY That´s a new evolution-level of a DE-model, cos of all these possibilites of the Bodygroups :!: a dream...good work!!
Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:27:56


Sorry to maybe necro, but does anyone have an IK for this? biped_simple doesn't seem to work.
Sun, 23 Mar 2014 07:09:22


does this include dickgirl?
Sun, 23 Mar 2014 15:59:00


"DontGoThere" said ...
does this include dickgirl?
No, you have to put a dick on her yourself. :P
Mon, 24 Mar 2014 00:03:09


"GreyGeist" said ...
Sorry to maybe necro, but does anyone have an IK for this? biped_simple doesn't seem to work.
Here's the one I use. Note that it seems to be a bit screwed up, but it's functional. It doesn't hide the previous bones, so the hierarchy looks a bit messy, sorry about that. But otherwise it functions like a normal IK Rig. And in case you don't trust me, since this is my first and I'm giving you a download, here's the code for it so you don't have to worry about getting a virus or something. Just paste the text into a .py file and you're good to go. [spoiler:2p584ybk]import vs #================================================================================================== def AddValidObjectToList( objectList, obj ): if ( obj != None ): objectList.append( obj ) #================================================================================================== def HideControlGroups( rig, rootGroup, *groupNames ): for name in groupNames: group = rootGroup.FindChildByName( name, False ) if ( group != None ): rig.HideControlGroup( group ) #================================================================================================== # Create the reverse foot control and operators for the foot on the specified side #================================================================================================== def CreateReverseFoot( controlName, sideName, gameModel, animSet, shot, helperControlGroup, footControlGroup ) : # Cannot create foot controls without heel position, so check for that first heelAttachName = "pvt_heel_" + sideName if ( gameModel.FindAttachment( heelAttachName ) == 0 ): print "Could not create foot control " + controlName + ", model is missing heel attachment point: " + heelAttachName; return None footRollDefault = 0.5 rotationAxis = vs.Vector( 1, 0, 0 ) # Construct the name of the dag nodes of the foot and toe for the specified side footName = "rig_foot_" + sideName toeName = "rig_toe_" + sideName # Get the world space position and orientation of the foot and toe footPos = sfm.GetPosition( footName ) footRot = sfm.GetRotation( footName ) toePos = sfm.GetPosition( toeName ) # Setup the reverse foot hierarchy such that the foot is the parent of all the foot transforms, the # reverse heel is the parent of the heel, so it can be used for rotations around the ball of the # foot that will move the heel, the heel is the parent of the foot IK handle so that it can perform # rotations around the heel and move the foot IK handle, resulting in moving all the foot bones. # root # + rig_foot_R # + rig_knee_R # + rig_reverseHeel_R # + rig_heel_R # + rig_footIK_R # Construct the reverse heel joint this will be used to rotate the heel around the toe, and as # such is positioned at the toe, but using the rotation of the foot which will be its parent, # so that it has no local rotation once parented to the foot. reverseHeelName = "rig_reverseHeel_" + sideName reverseHeelDag = sfm.CreateRigHandle( reverseHeelName, pos=toePos, rot=footRot, rotControl=False ) sfmUtils.Parent( reverseHeelName, footName, vs.REPARENT_LOGS_OVERWRITE ) # Construct the heel joint, this will be used to rotate the foot around the back of the heel so it # is created at the heel location (offset from the foot) and also given the rotation of its parent. heelName = "rig_heel_" + sideName vecHeelPos = gameModel.ComputeAttachmentPosition( heelAttachName ) heelPos = [ vecHeelPos.x, vecHeelPos.y, vecHeelPos.z ] heelRot = sfm.GetRotation( reverseHeelName ) heelDag = sfm.CreateRigHandle( heelName, pos=heelPos, rot=heelRot, posControl=True, rotControl=False ) sfmUtils.Parent( heelName, reverseHeelName, vs.REPARENT_LOGS_OVERWRITE ) # Create the ik handle which will be used as the target for the ik chain for the leg ikHandleName = "rig_footIK_" + sideName ikHandleDag = sfmUtils.CreateHandleAt( ikHandleName, footName ) sfmUtils.Parent( ikHandleName, heelName, vs.REPARENT_LOGS_OVERWRITE ) # Create an orient constraint which causes the toe's orientation to match the foot's orientation footRollControlName = controlName + "_" + sideName toeOrientTarget = sfm.OrientConstraint( footName, toeName, mo=True, controls=False ) footRollControl, footRollValue = sfmUtils.CreateControlledValue( footRollControlName, "value", vs.AT_FLOAT, footRollDefault, animSet, shot ) # Create the expressions to re-map the footroll slider value for use in the constraint and rotation operators toeOrientExprName = "expr_toeOrientEnable_" + sideName toeOrientExpr = sfmUtils.CreateExpression( toeOrientExprName, "inrange( footRoll, 0.5001, 1.0 )", animSet ) toeOrientExpr.SetValue( "footRoll", footRollDefault ) toeRotateExprName = "expr_toeRotation_" + sideName toeRotateExpr = sfmUtils.CreateExpression( toeRotateExprName, "max( 0, (footRoll - 0.5) ) * 140", animSet ) toeRotateExpr.SetValue( "footRoll", footRollDefault ) heelRotateExprName = "expr_heelRotation_" + sideName heelRotateExpr = sfmUtils.CreateExpression( heelRotateExprName, "max( 0, (0.5 - footRoll) ) * -100", animSet ) heelRotateExpr.SetValue( "footRoll", footRollDefault ) # Create a connection from the footroll value to all of the expressions that require it footRollConnName = "conn_footRoll_" + sideName footRollConn = sfmUtils.CreateConnection( footRollConnName, footRollValue, "value", animSet ) footRollConn.AddOutput( toeOrientExpr, "footRoll" ) footRollConn.AddOutput( toeRotateExpr, "footRoll" ) footRollConn.AddOutput( heelRotateExpr, "footRoll" ) # Create the connection from the toe orientation enable expression to the target weight of the # toe orientation constraint, this will turn the constraint on an off based on the footRoll value toeOrientConnName = "conn_toeOrientExpr_" + sideName; toeOrientConn = sfmUtils.CreateConnection( toeOrientConnName, toeOrientExpr, "result", animSet ) toeOrientConn.AddOutput( toeOrientTarget, "targetWeight" ) # Create a rotation constraint to drive the toe rotation and connect its input to the # toe rotation expression and connect its output to the reverse heel dag's orientation toeRotateConstraintName = "rotationConstraint_toe_" + sideName toeRotateConstraint = sfmUtils.CreateRotationConstraint( toeRotateConstraintName, rotationAxis, reverseHeelDag, animSet ) toeRotateExprConnName = "conn_toeRotateExpr_" + sideName toeRotateExprConn = sfmUtils.CreateConnection( toeRotateExprConnName, toeRotateExpr, "result", animSet ) toeRotateExprConn.AddOutput( toeRotateConstraint, "rotations", 0 ); # Create a rotation constraint to drive the heel rotation and connect its input to the # heel rotation expression and connect its output to the heel dag's orientation heelRotateConstraintName = "rotationConstraint_heel_" + sideName heelRotateConstraint = sfmUtils.CreateRotationConstraint( heelRotateConstraintName, rotationAxis, heelDag, animSet ) heelRotateExprConnName = "conn_heelRotateExpr_" + sideName heelRotateExprConn = sfmUtils.CreateConnection( heelRotateExprConnName, heelRotateExpr, "result", animSet ) heelRotateExprConn.AddOutput( heelRotateConstraint, "rotations", 0 ) if ( helperControlGroup != None ): sfmUtils.AddDagControlsToGroup( helperControlGroup, reverseHeelDag, ikHandleDag, heelDag ) if ( footControlGroup != None ): footControlGroup.AddControl( footRollControl ) return ikHandleDag #================================================================================================== # Compute the direction from boneA to boneB #================================================================================================== def ComputeVectorBetweenBones( boneA, boneB, scaleFactor ): vPosA = vs.Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) boneA.GetAbsPosition( vPosA ) vPosB = vs.Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) boneB.GetAbsPosition( vPosB ) vDir = vs.Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) vs.mathlib.VectorSubtract( vPosB, vPosA, vDir ) vDir.NormalizeInPlace() vScaledDir = vs.Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) vs.mathlib.VectorScale( vDir, scaleFactor, vScaledDir ) return vScaledDir #================================================================================================== # Build a simple ik rig for the currently selected animation set #================================================================================================== def BuildRig(): # Get the currently selected animation set and shot shot = sfm.GetCurrentShot() animSet = sfm.GetCurrentAnimationSet() gameModel = animSet.gameModel rootGroup = animSet.GetRootControlGroup() # Start the biped rig to which all of the controls and constraints will be added rig = sfm.BeginRig( "rig_biped_" + animSet.GetName() ); if ( rig == None ): return # Change the operation mode to passthrough so changes chan be made temporarily sfm.SetOperationMode( "Pass" ) # Move everything into the reference pose sfm.SelectAll() sfm.SetReferencePose() #============================================================================================== # Find the dag nodes for all of the bones in the model which will be used by the script #============================================================================================== boneRoot = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "rootTransform" ], True ) bonePelvis = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.pelvis", "Bip01_Pelvis", "bip_pelvis" ], True ) boneSpine0 = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.spine1", "Bip01_Spine", "bip_spine_0" ], True ) boneSpine1 = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.spine2", "Bip01_Spine1", "bip_spine_1" ], True ) boneNeck = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.neck", "Bip01_Neck", "bip_neck_0", "bip_neck", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Neck1" ], True ) boneHead = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.head", "Bip01_Head", "bip_head", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" ], True ) boneUpperLegR = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.r_thigh", "Bip01_R_Thigh", "bip_hip_R" ], True ) boneLowerLegR = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.r_leg", "Bip01_R_Calf", "bip_knee_R" ], True ) boneFootR = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.r_foot", "Bip01_R_Foot", "bip_foot_R" ], True ) boneToeR = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.r_toe", "Bip01_R_Toe0", "bip_toe_R" ], True ) boneCollarR = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.r_clav", "Bip01_R_Clavicle", "bip_collar_R" ], True ) boneUpperArmR = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.r_arm", "Bip01_R_UpperArm", "bip_upperArm_R" ], True ) boneLowerArmR = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.r_forearm", "Bip01_R_Forearm", "bip_lowerArm_R" ], True ) boneHandR = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.bip01_r_hand", "Bip01_R_Hand", "bip_hand_R" ], True ) boneUpperLegL = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.l_thigh", "Bip01_L_Thigh", "bip_hip_L" ], True ) boneLowerLegL = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.l_leg", "Bip01_L_Calf", "bip_knee_L" ], True ) boneFootL = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.l_foot", "Bip01_L_Foot", "bip_foot_L" ], True ) boneToeL = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.l_toe", "Bip01_L_Toe0", "bip_toe_L" ], True ) boneCollarL = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.l_clav", "Bip01_L_Clavicle", "bip_collar_L" ], True ) boneUpperArmL = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.l_arm", "Bip01_L_UpperArm", "bip_upperArm_L" ], True ) boneLowerArmL = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.l_forearm", "Bip01_L_Forearm", "bip_lowerArm_L" ], True ) boneHandL = sfmUtils.FindFirstDag( [ "valvebiped.bip01_l_hand", "Bip01_L_Hand", "bip_hand_L" ], True ) #============================================================================================== # Create the rig handles and constrain them to existing bones #============================================================================================== rigRoot = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_root", boneRoot, bCreateControls=False ) rigPelvis = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_pelvis", bonePelvis, bCreateControls=False ) rigSpine0 = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_spine_0", boneSpine0, bCreateControls=False ) rigChest = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_chest", boneSpine1, bCreateControls=False ) rigNeck = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_neck", boneNeck, bCreateControls=False ) rigHead = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_head", boneHead, bCreateControls=False ) rigFootR = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_foot_R", boneFootR, bCreateControls=False ) rigToeR = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_toe_R", boneToeR, bCreateControls=False ) rigCollarR = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_collar_R", boneCollarR, bCreateControls=False ) rigHandR = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_hand_R", boneHandR, bCreateControls=False ) rigFootL = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_foot_L", boneFootL, bCreateControls=False ) rigToeL = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_toe_L", boneToeL, bCreateControls=False ) rigCollarL = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_collar_L", boneCollarL, bCreateControls=False ) rigHandL = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_hand_L", boneHandL, bCreateControls=False ) # Use the direction from the heel to the toe to compute the knee offsets, # this makes the knee offset indpendent of the inital orientation of the model. vKneeOffsetR = ComputeVectorBetweenBones( boneFootR, boneToeR, 10 ) vKneeOffsetL = ComputeVectorBetweenBones( boneFootL, boneToeL, 10 ) rigKneeR = sfmUtils.CreateOffsetHandle( "rig_knee_R", boneLowerLegR, vKneeOffsetR, bCreateControls=False ) rigKneeL = sfmUtils.CreateOffsetHandle( "rig_knee_L", boneLowerLegL, vKneeOffsetL, bCreateControls=False ) rigElbowR = sfmUtils.CreateOffsetHandle( "rig_elbow_R", boneLowerArmR, -vKneeOffsetR, bCreateControls=False ) rigElbowL = sfmUtils.CreateOffsetHandle( "rig_elbow_L", boneLowerArmL, -vKneeOffsetL, bCreateControls=False ) # Create a helper handle which will remain constrained to the each foot position that can be used for parenting. rigFootHelperR = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_footHelper_R", boneFootR, bCreateControls=False ) rigFootHelperL = sfmUtils.CreateConstrainedHandle( "rig_footHelper_L", boneFootL, bCreateControls=False ) # Create a list of all of the rig dags allRigHandles = [ rigRoot, rigPelvis, rigSpine0, rigChest, rigNeck, rigHead, rigCollarR, rigElbowR, rigHandR, rigKneeR, rigFootR, rigToeR, rigCollarL, rigElbowL, rigHandL, rigKneeL, rigFootL, rigToeL ]; #============================================================================================== # Generate the world space logs for the rig handles and remove the constraints #============================================================================================== sfm.ClearSelection() sfmUtils.SelectDagList( allRigHandles ) sfm.GenerateSamples() sfm.RemoveConstraints() #============================================================================================== # Build the rig handle hierarchy #============================================================================================== sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigPelvis, rigRoot ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigSpine0, rigPelvis ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigChest, rigSpine0 ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigNeck, rigChest ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigHead, rigNeck ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigFootHelperR, rigRoot ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigFootHelperL, rigRoot ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigFootR, rigRoot ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigFootL, rigRoot ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigKneeR, rigFootR ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigKneeL, rigFootL ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigToeR, rigFootHelperR ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigToeL, rigFootHelperL ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigCollarR, rigChest ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigElbowR, rigCollarR ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigHandR, rigRoot ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigCollarL, rigChest ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigElbowL, rigCollarL ) sfmUtils.ParentMaintainWorld( rigHandL, rigRoot ) # Create the hips control, this allows a pelvis rotation that does not effect the spine, # it is only used for rotation so a position control is not created. Additionally add the # new control to the selection so the that set default call operates on it too. rigHips = sfmUtils.CreateHandleAt( "rig_hips", rigPelvis, False, True ) sfmUtils.Parent( rigHips, rigPelvis, vs.REPARENT_LOGS_OVERWRITE ) sfm.SelectDag( rigHips ) # Set the defaults of the rig transforms to the current locations. Defaults are stored in local # space, so while the parent operation tries to preserve default values it is cleaner to just # set them once the final hierarchy is constructed. sfm.SetDefault() #============================================================================================== # Create the reverse foot controls for both the left and right foot #============================================================================================== rigLegsGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup( "RigLegs" ) rigHelpersGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup( "RigHelpers" ) rigHelpersGroup.SetVisible( False ) rigHelpersGroup.SetSnappable( False ) footIKTargetR = rigFootR footIkTargetL = rigFootL if ( gameModel != None ) : footRollIkTargetR = CreateReverseFoot( "rig_footRoll", "R", gameModel, animSet, shot, rigHelpersGroup, rigLegsGroup ) footRollIkTargetL = CreateReverseFoot( "rig_footRoll", "L", gameModel, animSet, shot, rigHelpersGroup, rigLegsGroup ) if ( footRollIkTargetR != None ) : footIKTargetR = footRollIkTargetR if ( footRollIkTargetL != None ) : footIkTargetL = footRollIkTargetL #============================================================================================== # Create constraints to drive the bone transforms using the rig handles #============================================================================================== # The following bones are simply constrained directly to a rig handle sfmUtils.CreatePointOrientConstraint( rigRoot, boneRoot ) sfmUtils.CreatePointOrientConstraint( rigHips, bonePelvis ) sfmUtils.CreatePointOrientConstraint( rigSpine0, boneSpine0 ) sfmUtils.CreatePointOrientConstraint( rigChest, boneSpine1 ) sfmUtils.CreatePointOrientConstraint( rigNeck, boneNeck ) sfmUtils.CreatePointOrientConstraint( rigHead, boneHead ) sfmUtils.CreatePointOrientConstraint( rigCollarR, boneCollarR ) sfmUtils.CreatePointOrientConstraint( rigCollarL, boneCollarL ) sfmUtils.CreatePointOrientConstraint( rigToeR, boneToeR ) sfmUtils.CreatePointOrientConstraint( rigToeL, boneToeL ) # Create ik constraints for the arms and legs that will control the rotation of the hip / knee and # upper arm / elbow joints based on the position of the foot and hand respectively. sfmUtils.BuildArmLeg( rigKneeR, footIKTargetR, boneUpperLegR, boneFootR, True ) sfmUtils.BuildArmLeg( rigKneeL, footIkTargetL, boneUpperLegL, boneFootL, True ) sfmUtils.BuildArmLeg( rigElbowR, rigHandR, boneUpperArmR, boneHandR, True ) sfmUtils.BuildArmLeg( rigElbowL, rigHandL, boneUpperArmL, boneHandL, True ) #============================================================================================== # Create handles for the important attachment points #============================================================================================== attachmentGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup( "Attachments" ) attachmentGroup.SetVisible( False ) sfmUtils.CreateAttachmentHandleInGroup( "pvt_heel_R", attachmentGroup ) sfmUtils.CreateAttachmentHandleInGroup( "pvt_toe_R", attachmentGroup ) sfmUtils.CreateAttachmentHandleInGroup( "pvt_outerFoot_R", attachmentGroup ) sfmUtils.CreateAttachmentHandleInGroup( "pvt_innerFoot_R", attachmentGroup ) sfmUtils.CreateAttachmentHandleInGroup( "pvt_heel_L", attachmentGroup ) sfmUtils.CreateAttachmentHandleInGroup( "pvt_toe_L", attachmentGroup ) sfmUtils.CreateAttachmentHandleInGroup( "pvt_outerFoot_L", attachmentGroup ) sfmUtils.CreateAttachmentHandleInGroup( "pvt_innerFoot_L", attachmentGroup ) #============================================================================================== # Re-organize the selection groups #============================================================================================== rigBodyGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup( "RigBody" ) rigArmsGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup( "RigArms" ) RightArmGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup( "RightArm" ) LeftArmGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup( "LeftArm" ) RightLegGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup( "RightLeg" ) LeftLegGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup( "LeftLeg" ) sfmUtils.AddDagControlsToGroup( rigBodyGroup, rigRoot, rigPelvis, rigHips, rigSpine0, rigSpine1, rigSpine2, rigChest, rigNeck, rigHead ) rigArmsGroup.AddChild( RightArmGroup ) rigArmsGroup.AddChild( LeftArmGroup ) sfmUtils.AddDagControlsToGroup( RightArmGroup, rigHandR, rigElbowR, rigCollarR ) sfmUtils.AddDagControlsToGroup( LeftArmGroup, rigHandL, rigElbowL, rigCollarL ) rigLegsGroup.AddChild( RightLegGroup ) rigLegsGroup.AddChild( LeftLegGroup ) sfmUtils.AddDagControlsToGroup( RightLegGroup, rigKneeR, rigFootR, rigToeR ) sfmUtils.AddDagControlsToGroup( LeftLegGroup, rigKneeL, rigFootL, rigToeL ) sfmUtils.MoveControlGroup( "rig_footRoll_L", rigLegsGroup, LeftLegGroup ) sfmUtils.MoveControlGroup( "rig_footRoll_R", rigLegsGroup, RightLegGroup ) sfmUtils.AddDagControlsToGroup( rigHelpersGroup, rigFootHelperR, rigFootHelperL ) # Set the control group visiblity, this is done through the rig so it can track which # groups it hid, so they can be set back to being visible when the rig is detached. HideControlGroups( rig, rootGroup, "Body", "Arms", "Legs", "Unknown", "Other", "Root" ) #Re-order the groups fingersGroup = rootGroup.FindChildByName( "Fingers", False ) rootGroup.MoveChildToBottom( rigBodyGroup ) rootGroup.MoveChildToBottom( rigLegsGroup ) rootGroup.MoveChildToBottom( rigArmsGroup ) rootGroup.MoveChildToBottom( fingersGroup ) rightFingersGroup = rootGroup.FindChildByName( "RightFingers", True ) if ( rightFingersGroup != None ): RightArmGroup.AddChild( rightFingersGroup ) rightFingersGroup.SetSelectable( False ) leftFingersGroup = rootGroup.FindChildByName( "LeftFingers", True ) if ( leftFingersGroup != None ): LeftArmGroup.AddChild( leftFingersGroup ) leftFingersGroup.SetSelectable( False ) #============================================================================================== # Set the selection groups colors #============================================================================================== topLevelColor = vs.Color( 0, 128, 255, 255 ) RightColor = vs.Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) LeftColor = vs.Color( 0, 255, 0, 255 ) rigBodyGroup.SetGroupColor( topLevelColor, False ) rigArmsGroup.SetGroupColor( topLevelColor, False ) rigLegsGroup.SetGroupColor( topLevelColor, False ) attachmentGroup.SetGroupColor( topLevelColor, False ) rigHelpersGroup.SetGroupColor( topLevelColor, False ) RightArmGroup.SetGroupColor( RightColor, False ) LeftArmGroup.SetGroupColor( LeftColor, False ) RightLegGroup.SetGroupColor( RightColor, False ) LeftLegGroup.SetGroupColor( LeftColor, False ) # End the rig definition sfm.EndRig() return #================================================================================================== # Script entry #================================================================================================== # Construct the rig for the selected animation set BuildRig();[/spoiler:2p584ybk]
Mon, 24 Mar 2014 06:19:02


Thanks man! All the code looks good ;-)
Fri, 18 Apr 2014 01:59:31


I'm having a weird glitch in gmod where the model won't spawn.