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Flexible Ragdolled Tongue

Sat, 19 Jan 2013 13:35:39


Most of you know about the tongue of Jaanus as I so affectionately came to call it. It has pleasured many male and female models over the years. The problem was that is was a prop and not subject to the laws of gravity. This has now been remedied thanks to Haxxer who undertook my request and made it. Here it is, flexible in all it's oral delight. Turn off the physic beam when posing the tongue, or else you will have a hard time. Credit! Haxxer for making it. Me for getting him to make it^^ Goes to addons. Dropbox link since is as stable as a 5 dollar crack whore. ...
Sat, 26 Jan 2013 10:11:53


Certainly all-purpose, and never fails. Except when it is dropped. :-|
Wed, 11 Jun 2014 06:31:02


Useful :mrgreen: